Saturday, May 31, 2014

CosLog 2!

Hello followers!
So, for those of you who did not know, I am not just doing Boba Fett. I am also not the most straight lined person. I like to bounce from one thing to another all the time, so I started my most intense costume. World of Warcraft Blood Elf armor! Exciting right?! I know that when I go to college I will have less money to do comic con things and so I decided that I want to go big or go home this year!

So here are some work in progress shots of the World of Warcraft armor. Nothing is gesso'd or painted yet, everything is made of normal craft foam. 

This is my breast plate
This are my awesome gauntlets

 And these are my Pauldrons (for those of you who don't know, they are the shoulder pad things) these ones are done like the two above, I am adding a bit more of the details in the 2mm foam (the red, the black foam is 6mm)

Now, everything is coming together. Hopefully I will be putting on Gesso by Sunday/Monday. I am going to finish the leg armor and then while I am working with the foam I will work on the armor pieces for Boba Fett which will be much less detailed and time consuming than this. Hopefully it won't take that long, I want to make everything before the weekend so I don't have to worry about anything the week before the convention. 

Have a wonderful night, keep on costuming you wonderful people. 


Wednesday, May 28, 2014

CosLog 1!

Hello my amazing followers,

Last night we made some awesome progress on the Boba Fett Cosplay. Upon doing a lot of research I have decided that felt armor pales in comparison to foam armor, and so I have come on to the conclusion that I need to buy a heat gun and make the breastplate for Boba Fett (along with gauntlets, shoulder pads and knee pads) out of awesome craft foam! 

I also bought a turtleneck! It, however, was a size XL in mens... so it needed quite a bit of adjusting. It started off looking like this 

It was really really baggy on me, because I happen to not be a XL man. So after a lot of safety pinning (which is really hard to do on yourself and is the main reason why I want a dress form) and cutting and then sewing, it ended up looking like this 
So, now it is cropped to where I want it, and the arms are tighter to fit my body. I didn't do anything to the collar area because I liked the way it fit around my neck. Super awesome. Now that that part is done, today I go off to buy a heat gun and possibly check a near by good will for some grey cargo pants to match this shirt (thankfully I have plenty of scrap pieces to take with me for reference).

Well, that is all my wonderful cosplayers 
have a wonderful day and keep on sewing!

Monday, May 19, 2014


Hai Guys!
...who are not following me right now...well, anyways still hello when you begin to follow me. 

Welcome to the costumentation (its like documentation and costume. Its fabulous) blog of the century. Well, probably not the century, as it just started, but it will still be pretty great. 

This year, I am attending Denver Comic Con 2014 as Female Boba Fett, Kiki (from Kiki's Delivery Service) and Miguel from Road to El Dorado. You shall see all of the magic in the making along the way and videos/pictures from the convention when it comes in June. 

Hope you enjoy!

Until the next update

--Adventurous Cosplay