Tuesday, June 17, 2014

CosLog 6!

Hey guys! 
Last post! Only pictures of everything! YAY

Boba Fett

Kiki's Delivery Service: Kiki, Tombo and Ursula 

WoW Blood Elf -- Photo by FinalEVA

WoW Blood Elf (Fighting Stance) -- Photo by FinalEVA

TMNT hat that I got from the Con!!

I hope you all enjoyed my adventure in cosplay, hopefully there will be more in the future. I will see you when I start the next convention! 

Keep well and continue cosplaying

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

CosLog 5!

Hello everyone!
So instead of separating everything in two separate posts I am going to shove everything I have done in the last three days in one post and it will be magically long and mostly coffee fueled. So buckle the fuck up and get ready for some cosplay progress. 

First, I put together my Kiki dress and located shoes, so her entire costume is done because I have the bag and the broom already. I am in the process of sewing a Jiji doll as I am typing this (mad multitask skills) so that will finish up the entire costume. For anyone who is wondering my dress is made of broadcloth, the shoes are just red flats, the wig was Cindy 1B from The Wizards Chest and the bow is a piece of fabric, tied and glued onto a headband. Here is a really shitty bathroom mirror picture that will have to suffice until I have my mom take pictures of everything tomorrow. 

Next, this is Boba Fett. All of the armor is done in 6mm craft foam, coated in gesso, and then painting with acrylic paints. Then it was hot glued into place while it was on my body. It was hot and not fun, but it is done which is awesome. I also have pants and a brown belt that are being finished up right now. I have not found knee pads and I might just go without them because at this point screw it, the thing looks awesome and I look hella rad. Here is a picture!

I also weathered all of my armor for the blood elf. Weathering makes a huge difference in adding depth to your costumes without too much work. It gives your costume a used look and adds profile to it when taking pictures. Also, when you weather, you can alter the character of your armor. In my case I made mine look more like I came out of a game by making my black lines nice and harsh along the details, as if I walked off a computer screen. Here is a picture of the difference between weathering and not weathering. 

And, as I finish typing this, I finished Jiji. He is made mostly of  old tee shirt but he is super cool and incredibly cute. Here is a picture of my new little kitty friend. 

As I said, this was long, but everything is done. I hope you all enjoyed this. Next will be good pictures of everything and then pictures from the convention! Yay. 

Keep cosplaying my lovelies.

Friday, June 6, 2014

CosLog 4!

I know that I JUST posted CosLog 3 but that was supposed to be uploaded a couple of days ago when I actually did those things. This is what I did today! So, awesome I guess. We last had a whole bunch of gessoed pieces, now everything has a coat of red paint and only three things don't have the gold on it. So everything looks roughly like this

This post is going to be nice and short because I did nothing but paint, so there isn't much to tell you. The red is an apple red spray paint Rustoleum, that I just sprayed over everything as a first coat. Then there is a gold metallic color (also by Rustoleum) that I had to paint on because taping out everything that was red was something that was not going to happen. I just used one of the cheap little plastic brushes and a cup. Which I threw away, because you cannot, I repeat CANNOT get spray paint out of a paint brush. Just doesn't work. 

Tonight and tomorrow I plan on working on the sewing parts I have left, just to take a break from the armor. Then on Sunday I will finish painting this and gesso all of the Boba Fett armor, which has less pieces but more colors of paint that I do not have currently (oops).

Have a good day and keep cosplaying

CosLog 3!

Hello everyone, 
I am going to post two coslogs at once, but I am separating them because they are different things and I did them on different days (I just didn't post anything)

So I finished coating everything in gesso. The inventory of my armor is one breastplate, two gauntlets, two pauldrons, two shoes, two upper leg armor and two bottom leg armors. There will be a choker neck piece that is being built and two arm bands, just to make everything spaced out well. So everything is covered in gesso and looks something like this 

Other than getting everything coated in about 6 coats of gesso I went shopping. I went to a store in Cherry Creek here in Colorado called the Wizards Chest, it is the coolest place and I am excited I get to go back on Monday to take my brother to Monday night Magic. Anyways, they have tons of costumes and costume supplies/accessories there. I bought my elf ears 

and I also bought my wig for Kiki (which is really something I need to get on, I know I only have to make the dress and find a broom but still I haven't started on that at all!)

Despite only getting everything coated in gesso this took quite a bit of time to get done, especially because I didn't have everything built when I last posted. But still, any progress is good progress!

Have a good day and keep cosplaying!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

CosRant -- You Can Ignore This If You Want

Hello Followers,
This is not really important in concerns to my cosplay process but it is something that I find really necessary to say, because if you follow me and you do anything like this I want you to stop. Just stop. 
Here is what initiated this. I posted on a social media website what I was cosplaying as for Denver Comic Con because someone asked me. A different someone then commented 
"Don't do Kiki there are hundreds of Kiki's"
 to which my response was "There are hundreds of thousands of cosplayers, so of course there are multiples of costumes. I don't really care if there are other Kiki's. I am doing it because I love the movie and character, that is why people should cosplay, no other reason really matters."  I figured that would get my point across, that I am doing it regardless. 
This someone responded saying "Eh, something just seems cheap to me about throwing on a white T-shirt and calling yourself another L."  I will admit at this point I got really pissed off because did I ask for your critique on my or anyone else's cosplay choices? No? Then shut the fuck up and keep your rude ass opinion to yourself
I responded saying "Eh, something just seems cheap to me about commenting on someone's cosplay choices unless they asked you to. Not really your business why someone chooses to cosplay who they do, regardless of if you like it or not. Doesn't matter how easy a cosplay seems, someone put work into it and made that choice to be that character for a day and unless someone asks for your damn opinion you can keep it to yourself. Cosplay is not about being the only person dressed like that character, its about acting and dressing as a character you like for whatever reason you like them. Someone likes L they can cosplay L, someone likes that obscure character that shows up in one episode and doesn't speak, then they can be them because in the end it doesn't matter what people think. Especially when they think they are entitled enough to say anything about someone else's cosplay without their permission." 

So here are the three big points that I just want to tell anyone who follows me. 

One: it does not matter what you look like. If you want to cosplay someone then you go right ahead and cosplay them. You can be curvier, thin, black, white, tall, short. It does not matter. I repeat: IT DOES NOT MATTER. Stop judging people’s cosplay on what they personally look like. In fact, don’t judge people’s cosplay unless they ask you to. It is not your job to critique them at your whim, at all. Unless they ask don’t do it. But seriously, I can’t stand hearing things like “that girl is too fat to be wearing that costume” or “oh my god, that character wasn’t even that ethnicity”. You want to say stuff like that, just leave and say it to yourself. It is a person’s choice to do their cosplay however the hell they want to, so let them. 
Which brings me to my second point also known as…
Two: Your cosplay is your choice. And as horrid as it sounds, you have to understand that if you wear almost no clothing that people will notice. I have been harassed at conventions, I have been cat called walking back to my room. However, I understand that those are things that come with choosing a “sexy” costume. Now I am not condoning that behaviour. Because it is fucking wrong, no matter how little clothing someone is wearing (of either gender) it is not consent to touch them. However, you have to know that those kinds of things will happen, because nothing is ever sacred and people like to ruin nice things when they can. So here are your two options: Wear your sexy costume, be confident and go about your day ignoring or confronting people about harassment and cat calls. Or don’t wear it. You cannot change what other people will do, but you can change the way you react to it and if it happens. 
However, that doesn’t mean you can’t wear costumes that expose yourself. Just make sure to be safe. Stay in groups to avoid confrontations of sexual harassment and make sure to know how to handle a situation like that (You don’t need to hit someone, its often more likely to get you in trouble than it is to help. Find a convention staff member and tell them about it, what the person looked like and tell them to keep an eye out). 
Third: RESPECT. Jesus, it is apparently one of the hardest things for people to realize. It doesnt matter if you are in public, or at a convention or at a convention and walking around in public. You respect people around you. If you feel disrespected you tell that person, you don’t disrespect them back because then it just creates a vicious cycle. You like someones cosplay, tell them. You don’t like it? Its not a very nice thing to down someone because something is the wrong color -because they probably spent a very long time working on it. So if you don’t like it, don’t say a damn thing if it isn’t nice. Respect the room if you are staying at a hotel. Don’t leave it trashed, don’t have loud obnoxious aftercon parties, don’t be a douche to the people who earn their living by being hotel maintenance staff. Respect the convention staff, the convention space and the convention rules. DON’T TAKE PICTURES IN HALLWAYS. And to the utmost point, respect fandoms, regardless of whether or not you like the cosplay or fandom itself. We are a community here in the cosplay world, we can be nice and respectful and safe. 

So that was my rant, you can ignore it and go on with your life. 

Keep on Cosplaying