Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Cosplay Update

Hello cosplay followers, 

So, even though there are no conventions coming up (at least for the 211 days) I have already started my plans for the next cosplay. As most of you know, I moved to Chicago. Home of C2E2 each April. Now while I do understand that April is a rather far time away, I of course still have to get started on the cosplay decisions. 

And I have.

Drum roll please for the two final decisions (third one is still in the air) for my first C2E2 visit. 

I am going with Nightingale Armor from Skyrim 

AND Thranduil from The Hobbit. Yes. It will be difficult. Yes. It will take time. And yes. It will look awesome as fuck. 

Obviously those two photos are not mine, one being a concept art for Skyrim, and the other being an actual picture of the wonderful human that is Lee Pace. My only hope is that I can embody that man and all he is, because that would be perfection. 

Anyways, just a quick check in for all you followers, 
Keep cosplaying


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